Online Compliance Manager

Cloud-based document system and audit tool

Getting Started Guide

Required Systems Limited

CQC Compliance Manager



Downloading procedures, forms and reference documents

First select the system you want to download documents from using the Documents drop-down list.

If you have access to multiple homes or services, a drop-down list of the names of the homes or services appears under the menu bar. Choose the required home or service. The website uses a hierarchical (tree structure). Move down the "branch" to reach the document you require. If you have paid to download the documents, the buttons PDF and DOC will be active. Clicking on them will download either a PDF file or a Word file of the document with the home or service name inserted into the document. Once it has downloaded, save the document into a folder. The folder structure you use to store the documents is entirely up to you.


If you are looking for a particular document which contains a word or phrase, or a set of documents relating to a topic, you can use the Search box to enter a word or phrase. As you type into the Search box, a list of documents will be display, in order of relevance.