Online Compliance Manager

Cloud-based document system and audit tool

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Care Homes England
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00: List of Contents
01: Respecting and Involving People
02: Consent To Care And Treatment
03: Fees
04: Care and Welfare of People Who Use Services
05: Meeting Nutritional Needs
06: Co-operating With Other Providers
07: Safeguarding People From Abuse
08: Cleanliness and Infection Control
09: Medicines Management
10: Safety and Suitability of Premises
11: Safety - Availability and Suitability of Equipment
12: Requirements of Workers
13: Staffing
14: Supporting Workers
15: Statement Of Purpose
16: Assessing Quality of Service Provision
17: Complaints
18: Notification of the Death of a Service User
19: Notification Relating to Person Detained Under MHA 1983
20: Notification of Other Incidents
21: Records
22: Requirements for a Provider Who is a Partnership
23: Requirements for Provider Other Than a Partnership
24: Registered Managers
25: Registered Person  - Training
26: Financial Position
27: Notification of Absence
28: Notification of Changes
29: Dementia Care