Online Compliance Manager

Cloud-based document system and audit tool

Getting Started Guide

Required Systems Limited

CQC Compliance Manager

Audit Tool



For additional help with the Audit Tool, read the guidance document and view the Help Video.

To access the Audit Tool you must have done the following:

  1. Created an account on the website
  2. Created a Home or Service
  3. Paid for a subscription to the Audit Tool for that Home or Service

Creating an audit

Log in to the website and click on Audit Tool on the menu bar.

If this is the first time you have accessed the Audit Tool you will need to create a new audit.

Click on Create new audit . If you manage multiple homes, select a home from the drop-down list.

Select the target date – this will usually be the date for the audit completion. Note: target dates for individual Regulations can be changed when editing.

If you have a previously-created audit, you can copy the evidence from this into the new audit. Evidence can be copied from an audit of any home.

Click Add and the new audit will be created and opened.

Entering/editing evidence

Select the audit you want to edit.

The left column allows you to select a single regulation, or show all. Each regulation has several components, which are shown in the right column.

You can provide evidence for any component by clicking Edit on the component in the right column.

When you click Edit , the editor window opens. It has:

  1. The text of the regulation component at the top in italics.
  2. A list of sample evidence for the selected component. Each row can be added to the Evidence box by clicking on the example. (Note: Not all example evidence will be relevant to you.)
  3. The Evidence box where you enter your evidence. This can contain sample evidence or evidence you type in yourself. The text in this box is fully editable.
  4. The Further evidence or action required box, and by whom box.
  5. The Target date – which is editable
  6. The Completed tick box

Once you have entered your evidence, click Save to close the editor and return to the audit.

Components can be set as completed without having to open the editor. Simply tick or un-tick the Completed checkbox under a component. This will be saved automatically.

Filtering and colour codes

At the top of the window there are 4 filters. By default all filters are ticked so all components of the selected regulation will be displayed. The number in the box is the number of components that correspond to that filter.

By ticking or unticking the filters you can display any combination of Completed, Past Due, No Evidence and Incomplete components.

The colours correspond to the background colours of the components. For example, when a regulation is complete, it will turn green.

Printing the audit

To print your audit, select the regulation and/or filters to display the components you want to print out.

Click on the PDF button – this will download a PDF file with whatever is displayed on screen. Save this file or click on it to open it and print if required.